There are a lot of burning issues related to traffic, pollution, environment, congestion and sRide carpool is 1 app that is an answer to most of these problem. City traffic conditions, shortage of cabs during peak office hours, surge pricing models are just a few of the problems in today’s society that most citizens encounter. sRide carpool app is my way of offering help to get past the issues which comes with a mutual benefit of sharing fuel costs. I used to drive alone earlier. Fuel cost was never a concern but I never came across a proper carpool app that could make my life easier. I was always skeptical as to who will board my car. None the less, travelling alone is extremely boring and the traffic stress did not help either. With sRide, you meet people and many a times you make friends as well who prefer to travel with you. Knowing the people you travel with and also validated corporate professionals makes life even easier and helps you feel more secure as you always get a good crowd in your car. Its great towards networking as well which is quite essential these days. But sRide is exceptional and I really wish you great success ahead.
I am proud to say that in just 5 days of usage I saved 15 KG of CO2 and saved one tree. That’s my contribution towards a major problem, global warming. It’s just a simple mathematics how much a person can easily contribute in 1 year. It’s much easier to just voice out anger on social media and blame the government for everything. You could expect the government to fix everything. But always remember, if you want to bring a change then be the change yourself. Why not do your own part first and then expect others to do theirs?