Capgemini loves carpooling and they do it with sRide. Capgemini has committed to help achieve the 17 sustainable development goals or ‘global goals’ defined by the United Nations General Assembly.
Under this program large number of Capgemini employee signed up on sRide Carpool App. Capgemini employees has shows great enthusiasm in terms of dedication towards sustainability initiative and contribution in reducing traffic in their cities like Pune, Hyderabad , Bengaluru, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, NCR.
In just one year, Capgemini employees have covered more than millions KM of carpooling which is equivalent to few hundred tons of CO2 reduction. Carpooling with sRide has contributed strongly to annual CO2 reduction targets within Capgemini.
Capgemini employees have set a high benchmark for carpooling and aim to double their target.
Are you working for Capgemini ? Have you started carpooling? If Yes, Share this post with your colleagues , or not yet.. download sRide carpool App Now !!